Our hearts go out to James Patrick Dillon, his family, those who were stabbed by him, and the police who had to respond. Like almost all these cases, Mr. Dillon was already known to be seriously mentally ill, had a family that tried to help him get treatment, but could not get him treatment because the DeBlasio administration refuses to focus it's mental health efforts on the most seriously ill.
Specifically, the DeBlasio administration has failed to robustly implement Kendra's Law. Kendra's Law allows judges to order the most seriously ill, who refuse treatment, to accept six months of mandated and monitored treatment as a condition of living in the community. Kendra's Law reduces homelessness, arrest, incarceration in the 70% range. It keeps patients, public and police safer.
Our Oped in Manhattan Institute’s City Journal on how ThriveNYC ignores the most seriously mentally ill http://www.city-journal.org/2015/eon1208dj.html
Our oped in NY Post on how NYC mental health officials ignore the most seriously mentally ill http://nypost.com/2015/11/15/the-citys-dangerous-mental-health-dodge/
Our oped in Manhattan Institute’s City Journal on how NYC data shows it is failing seriously mentally ill http://www.city-journal.org/2015/eon0805dj.html
Brian Lehrer (NPR) interview with DJ Jaffe on how NYC mental health officials decided to ignore violent mentally ill https://www.wnyc.org/radio/#/ondemand/571653
Brian Lehrer (NPR) interviews Chirlane McCray and Dr. Gary Belkin about failure to use Kendra’s Law http://www.wnyc.org/story/first-lady-chirlane-mccray-kendras-law/
Main Site: http://mentalillnesspolicy.org
NY Site: http://kendras-law.org
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