Showing posts with label Medicaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medicaid. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2016

White House Parity Task Force Report Leaves Out Seriously Mentally Ill

Federal Parity Task Force Report Fails to End Federal Discrimination Against the Seriously Mentally Ill that is part of Medicaid.

The Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Task Force report issued by the White House today shamefully fails to end the federal government's own massive discrimination against people with serious mental illness that is embedded in Medicaid. The Medicaid Institutes for Mental Disease (IMD) provision prevents states from receiving federal reimbursement for seriously mentally ill individuals between 18 and 64 who need long-term psychiatric hospital care. This limitation applies only applies to the mentally ill and parity can not be achieved without eliminating it. If you have a disease in any organ and are Medicaid-eligible, Medicaid pays with a single exception: individuals who have a mental illness in their brain.  

The IMD Exclusion causes states to lock the front door of psychiatric hospitals and kick the mentally ill out the back. The failure to eliminate the IMD Exclusion will cause more individuals with disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to be offloaded to jails, shelters, prisons and morgues. The Task Force should have called for ending this injustice. 

We do appreciate the recommendation of the Task Force to end the 190-day limit on inpatient care for the seriously ill that is part of Medicare Part A and urge the President to act on it immediately.

Background Info: Op-ed by DJ Jaffe in Washington Post

Monday, February 24, 2014

Affordable Care Act/ACA Fails Seriously Mentally Ill

Many 'mental health' advocates claim that the Affordable Care Act (ACA, a/k/a "Obamacare") combined with "mental health parity" will ensure people with mental health issues get care. The ability to keep a child on your insurance until age 26 will likely help many, since serious mental illness affects people in their late teens, early twenties. Maybe other provisions will help the higher functioning. But as the analysis below shows, overall, it makes things worse for the most seriously ill: those who need long term hospitalization.  Unfortunately, the impact of ACA on the most seriously mentally ill has been largely ignored by 'mental health' advocates.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Five Point Action Plan for President Obama to Reduce Violence by Mentally Ill

President Obama said the federal government has to do something meaningful to prevent future shootings like the twenty-six in Newtown, Connecticut.  Here is what the federal and state governments can do to prevent violence related to mental illness.

What Washington can do

Friday, August 10, 2012

Federal Bill to Speed SSI, SSDI, & Medicaid to Mentally Ill Parolees Introduced

 H. R. 6256 was just introduced by Rep. AndrĂ© Carson [D-IN] to ensure prompt access to SSI, SSDI, and Medicaid for prisoners released from jails and prisons. This is very important, because eliminating the delay in benefits makes it more likely people will get treatment. Following are the "Findings" which point out how many people with mental illness are being incarcerated due to lack of care.   It is Mental Illness Policy Org's position, that individuals being released from prisons and jails who have mental illness should be evaluated to see what services (voluntary or involuntary) they might need to stay healthy in the community. That is not part of this bill, but it is nonetheless an important bill. 


    The Congress finds as follows:
      (1) There are an estimated 350,000 mentally ill individuals in State and Federal prisons.
      (2) According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, nearly 15 percent of men and 31 percent of women in jails have serious mental illnesses, with female inmates having higher rates of mental health problems than male inmates--State prisons: 73 percent of females and 55 percent of males; local jails: 75% of females and 63% of males.
      (3) According to surveys completed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 16.3 percent of jail inmates reported they had a ‘mental health condition’ or an overnight stay in a ‘mental hospital’ in their lifetime, and 60.5 percent of local jail inmates reported they had symptoms of a mental illness.
      (4) Access to Federal disability and health care benefits is a critical component of the successful re-entry into the community of indigent individuals with disabilities who are released from jail, prison, juvenile detention, or other correctional facilities.
      (5) As a matter of public safety, individuals with disabilities released from correctional facilities must be reinstated in the Federal benefit programs that are designed to provide the health services and financial supports on which they rely.
      (6) Individuals with disabilities who live in extreme poverty and who are too disabled to work after release from correctional facilities require Government supports such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Medicaid to maintain health and to safely transition from correctional facilities into the community.
      (7) It is the policy of the United States to provide individuals with disabilities assistance in leading healthy and productive lives.
      (8) On average, mentally ill inmates serve 103.4 months in State prison until their release, as compared to 88.2 months for other inmates. Yet, their SSI benefits terminate after 12 consecutive months of their incarceration. On average, it takes 93 days to reinstate those benefits.
      (9) Health care benefits are especially important to low-income individuals with disabilities who often cannot afford private market insurance and who are at great risk of incurring exorbitant costs for health care. SSI beneficiaries who lose benefits because of incarceration may also lose Medicaid coverage.
      (10) Without prompt access to Federal disability benefits on their release, individuals with psychiatric disabilities who come into contact with the criminal justice system often become trapped in many cycles of arrest, release, destitution, deterioration, and re-arrest.
      (11) Rates for mentally ill offenders are very high. A Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that over 3/4 of mentally ill inmates had been sentenced to time in prison or jail or were on probation at least once before their current sentence.
        (A) Three-quarters of those returning from prison have a history of substance use disorders. Over 70 percent of prisoners with serious mental illnesses also have a substance use disorder.
        (B) Among repeat offenders, an estimated 47 percent of State prisoners who had a mental health problem were violent recidivists, compared to 39 percent of State prisoners without a mental problem.
      (12) Among the mentally ill, 52 percent of State prison inmates, 54 percent of jail inmates, and 49 percent of Federal prison inmates reported 3 or more prior sentences of probation or incarceration.
      (13) Nearly 1/4 of both State prisoners and jail inmates who had a mental health problem, compared to 1/5 of those without, had been incarcerated on 3 or more prior occasions.
      (14) Although discharge-planning practices vary considerably, inmates are typically released with no more than a 2-week supply of even crucial medications such as insulin and with no primary care follow-up, so the burden of care falls predominantly on emergency rooms and is financed primarily by the public.
  • We urge you to urge your representatives to support HR 6256 and thank Rep. Carson and the following co-sponsors 
  • Rep. Elijah Cummings [D-MD7]
    Rep. Donna Edwards [D-MD4]
    Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee [D-TX18]
    Rep. Dennis Kucinich [D-OH10]
    Rep. Barbara Lee [D-CA9]
    Rep. Gwen Moore [D-WI4]
    Del. Eleanor Norton [D-DC0]
    Rep. Laura Richardson [D-CA37]
    Rep. Fortney “Pete” Stark [D-CA13]
    Rep. Edolphus “Ed” Towns [D-NY10]

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Federal Mental Health Funds Fail To Reach Mentally Ill

Role of Federal Government’s Attempts to Improve Services
for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
E. Fuller Torrey, MD

(Note: The following shows how various federal funding streams for mental "health" fail to reach people with mental "illness")

1963, Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) Act:  The passage of this legislation effectively shifted responsibility for funding public mental illness services from the states to the federal government, thus reversing a policy that had existed for more than a century. NIMH paid the new federal funds directly to local Community Mental Health Centers, thus bypassing state governments. Prior to 1963 states were held responsible for the quality of those services; since 1963 nobody claims responsibility. The CMHC Act shifted the main focus of treatment from the state mental hospitals to the new CMHCs, but almost no planning took place regarding follow-up care for the seriously mentally ill patients being discharged from the state hospitals. The 1963 CMHC Act was the beginning of the increase of mentally ill persons becoming homeless, incarcerated in jails and prisons, etc.

1965, Institutions for Mental Diseases Medicaid exclusion: When Medicaid was enacted in 1965 the federal government was afraid that states would use it to cover the costs of mentally ill individuals in state mental hospitals so these hospitals were excluded from Medicaid coverage. This was the Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) exclusion. However, since Medicaid did cover these same patients if they were hospitalized on the psychiatric ward of a general hospital or living in nursing homes or group homes, the IMD exclusion created a major incentive for states to empty the state hospitals, thus shifting most state costs to federal Medicaid. States had, and still have little incentive to place patients in appropriate community settings or to follow-up and insure that they receive continuing care; the fiscal reward comes simply from emptying the state hospitals. The IMD exclusion has been the single largest reason why deinstitutionalization has failed so abysmally.
Reference: Geller, J.L. Excluding institutions for mental disease from federal reimbursement for services: strategy or tragedy? Psychiatric Services 2000; 51: 1397-1403.

1986, Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act: Under Senator Lowell Weicker’s sponsorship, this legislation set up a federal program to fund independent state agencies to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect of mentally ill or disabled persons residing in mental institutions. Widely referred to as the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) program, it has been administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) under the Department of Health and Human Services. As soon as the P&A program was enacted it was taken over by civil rights ideologues who believed that no mentally ill person, no matter how disabled or psychotic, should even be involuntarily hospitalized or medicated. Thus P&A programs in many states have assumed a function of protecting patients from treatment, rather than insuring that they receive appropriate treatment. The federal government has made no efforts to correct this well-intentioned-program-gone-astray, and in fact SAMHSA has encouraged it. The tragic consequences of the P&A program were highlighted by the Wall Street Journal on August 16, 2008, describing how P&A workers in Maine insisted on the discharge of a psychotic young man from the state hospital despite the objections of the treating physicians and his family; he went home and killed his mother with an axe. Others have described how P&A programs, in clear violation of the law, “have engaged in federally prohibited lobby efforts and how they have tried to defeat proposed legislation, some of which would actually benefit their clients.”
Reference: Peters, AJ. Lawyers who break the law: What Congress can do to prevent mental health patient advocates from violating federal legislation. Oregon Law Review 2010; 89: 133-173.

1990, American with Disabilities Act: Another well-meaning federal program, the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) was an attempt to prohibit discrimination based on disability, which was officially defined as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.” Thus under the ADA disabled people could not be discriminated against, for example, in hiring, promotion or termination, and employers were expected to make “reasonable accommodation” for disabled employees. The consequences of the ADA have been exactly the opposite of what was intended. Employers, fearful of endless litigation, simply stopped hiring disabled workers. In recent years the ADA has also been used by the Department of Justice to demand that state psychiatric hospitals discharge patients to live in “the least restrictive alternative” in the community. For example, in April 2011, the Department of Justice sued New Hampshire. In many cases moving patients from a state hospital to a nursing home or a group home in a crime-ridden neighborhood is just as or more restrictive as a state hospital, but the former is regarded as more acceptable to the federal government because the patients are “in the community.”
Reference: Olson, W. Under the ADA, we may all be disabled. Wall Street Journal, May 17, 1999.

1996, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA): This was an attempt to protect the privacy of an individuals’ health information and medical records; people who disclose such information without the consent of the individual involved can be fined up to $25,000 per year. HIPPA is widely regarded as having markedly reduced the information available to families as they attempt to get treatment for seriously mentally ill family members. This was recently illustrated by the New York Times Magazine cover story about a man with bipolar disorder. Blatantly psychotic, the family finally got him hospitalized but then was unable to get any information, even that he was in the hospital to which they had had him admitted:
“It took a week just to get the social worker assigned to his case on the phone. Although I had been sitting right next to my father at PESS when he was told where he would be transferred, privacy laws prohibited the nurses at the new facility from even confirming, without his written consent, that he had been admitted. I asked if someone could tell him we called and have him sign a consent form so that we could speak with his doctor or social worker.
Yes, I was told, he would be given a consent form — if he was there, which again they would not confirm or deny.
Eventually one nurse took pity and told us that he had indeed filled out the form but had granted access only to Barack Obama and Duke Ellington.”
Such examples are the rule under HIPPA, not the exception.
Reference: Interlandi, J. Love and commitment: What it takes to put your father away in a mental hospital. New York Times Magazine, June 24, 2012, pp. 26-47.

Thus, almost everything the federal government has attempted to do legislatively has made the problems associated with serious mental illness worse rather than better. And if anyone has any lingering doubts about the ability of the federal government to improve matters, look closely at the federal agency whose official mission is to reduce the “impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.” This is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a $3.6 billion component of the Department of Health and Human Services. It has 537 federal employees whose average salary is $107,760. Its current three-year plan, a 41,804 word document entitled “Leading Change: A Plan for SAMHSA’s Roles and Actions 2011-2014,” does not even mention schizophrenia or bipolar disorder because, in fact, SAMHSA has no interest in serious mental illnesses. What does interest SAMHSA are producing free coloring books and sticker sets for children, such as their “Mental Well-Being Sticker Sets,” and producing a musical for SAMHSA staff to celebrate World AIDS Day (cost of musical: $83,625). SAMHSA also gives away lots of money. It gives $70,000 a year to organizations in California and Pennsylvania that have lobbied against legislation making it easier to treat seriously mentally ill individuals. And it gives $330,000 a year to an organization in Massachusetts whose director claims that “the covert mission of the mental health system…is social control.” Indeed, SAMHSA has been described as “a federal health agency distinguished by the fact that the health of its clients would improve if it went out of business.”
Reference: Torrey, EF. Bureaucratic insanity: The federal agency that wastes money while undermining public health. National Review, June 20, 2011, pp. 25-26.

Conclusion: The track record of the federal government in its attempts to improve services for individuals with serious mental illnesses is a record of well-intentioned programs which have made the problem worse, not better. Rarely in the history of American government have programs conceived with such good intentions produced such bad results.