Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June Update: Mental Illness Around the Country

1. Make Greater Use of Assisted Outpatient Treatment

2. Focus more resources on serious mental “illness” rather than mental “health”

  • National:  Articles by Marvin Ross in Canada, Dr. E. Fuller Torrey in Washington, Carlat Psychiatry Blog, and MIPO, all criticized Robert Whitaker’s, Anatomy of an Epidemic for using pseudo science to make the case that medicines don’t help people with mental illness. Natasha Tracy wrote “Why it’s ignorant to write off psychiatry” And the Lancet published a meta analysis that shows Whitaker is wrong. Meds do work
  • Are we arbitrarily diagnosing people with mental health problems? Asks Pete Earley.
  • AZ may see more mental health resources invested in the community as a result of a recent lawsuit settlement
  • NH: We criticized New Hampshire officials for patting themselves on the back when there are more mentally ill incarcerated than hospitalized in that state.
  • NY As incredible as it sounds, NYAPRS, a trade association of mental health providers in NYS actually started lobbying for less medical treatment for people with serious mental illness.
  • WA: A seriously mentally ill man who was without treatment shot 5 in Seattle and then himself.
  • California is unique in that it has plenty of money as a result of Proposition 63 which funded the mental health services act which is supposed to help people with serious mental illness. Unfortunately county and state officials continue to squander the money.
3. Preserve enough hospital beds so seriously ill can get access


4. Change Not Guilty By Reason Of Insanity So it Helps People

5. Reform Involuntary Treatment Laws so they prevent violence, rather than require it In Brief


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